Lowcountry Roofing: Quality Mount Pleasant SC Roofer
Like shingles and tiles, metal roofing comes in many stylistic flavors. Homeowners who want to upgrade their current Mount Pleasant roofing to realize improved energy efficiency or attain other practical goals are often pleased to discover that metal construction materials afford them a host of aesthetic options as well.
One of the major visual characteristics of a metal roof is its texture. Unlike wood or bitumen shingles, metal roofing can be formed to emulate a wide range of natural and synthetic materials. You can even find metal shingle-style roofing that matches traditional shingle patterns. Because they incorporate topcoat treatments complete with granules that look like stone, these roofs are nearly indistinguishable from their asphalt counterparts, and they’re much lighter to boot.
Another cool aesthetic feature of shingle-style roofing is that the metal can be formed into a number of architectural designs. For instance, the Spanish tile roof you want to install may add undue stress to your home’s rafters if you actually use weighty ceramics, but metal can create the exact same look in a mere fraction of the mass. This makes metal far more versatile, and the weight difference also helps installations go quicker.
Of course, you may choose not to work with a traditional shingle style at all.