Fiberglass shingles are very much like the traditional asphalt shingles that have been in use since the early 1900s. Rather than using an organic base mat, such as a mat made from paper, wood fiber or other components, the fiberglass shingle has a core of fiberglass. In fact, many quality fiberglass shingles are made with a double layer of fiberglass that is fused together with a sealant.
This fiberglass core is then encased in asphalt in order to protect the shingle and ensure a watertight roofing material. The asphalt layer and embedded stone on the top surface are similar to the typical asphalt shingle, but the fiberglass core offers a number of advantages over an organic mat.
Many leading Goose Creek roofing contractors recommend fiberglass shingles over other asphalt shingles because they are lighter in weight and offer an added level of fire resistance. Additionally, because of the fiberglass core, these shingles are much more durable and offer a level of flexibility that is impossible with a regular asphalt shingle. They also come with a much longer life expectancy, which can help homeowners save on future roofing costs.
Many fiberglass shingles have a laminate coating, which adds to the look and durability of the shingle. This added layer certainly brings a number of beautiful design elements to this type of roofing material, but it also helps add structural stability and water resistance to the shingle.